Crackdown on high risk providers under new VET Standards gazetted for providers and regulators
TDA has welcomed the release of new, updated Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) and regulators, which will see greater scrutiny of high risk providers.
The new VET Standards are designed to increase the responsiveness of training providers to the needs of industry, put the focus on quality training and assessment outcomes, increase consumer protections, and streamline the regulatory framework.
TDA maintains that TAFE should be immediately eligible for delegation of scope of registration and accreditation of courses.
TDA commissioned a report on the matter of delegations from Professor Glenn Withers, Professor of Economics at the Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU. Following this report and representation by TDA, ASQA is in the process of enabling 550 low risk RTOs to gain delegation in the coming weeks and another 1,500 in the coming year.
TDA believes that all TAFE institutes should be part of the initial tranche of low-risk providers, irrespective of their current audit status.
See the new Standards for RTOs and regulators.
Tender open for apprentice support network
The federal government has opened the tender for its new Australian Apprenticeship Support Network, (AASN) which will commence next July.
“The new network will provide apprentices with the support they need to complete their training and earn an industry-relevant qualification, and will assist employers, particularly small businesses, looking to take on an apprentice,” Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane said.
“The network will include job-matching, mentoring of at-risk apprentices, training contract sign-up support and other services.”
The AASN tender will close 5 December.
The government will soon release a second tender for the development of the Australian Apprenticeships Management System which will move administration online and automate many of the current manual processes.
See more.
China boasts massive lift in household income for technical and vocational college graduates, with increased role for international skills partnerships
China has hosted the World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics 2014 World Congress in Beijing, with new data showing steep improvements emerging in urban households among those who have graduated in technical and vocational education.
Vice Minister Lu Xin delivered the keynote Ministerial Address to open the World Congress. Mdme Lu released figures showing that three years after VET students graduated, monthly income had doubled, and grew to 157 per cent of average disposable income measured against those school-leavers who had not received a VET education.
Mdme Lu welcomed wider international VET education partnerships. She featured statements by the CEO of Alibaba, immediately after the company had listed successfully on the New York Stock Exchange, who attributed his company’s success to the capacity of e-commerce and its reliance on highly skilled technology graduates.
Dr Sheng Jianxue, recently appointed Secretary General of the China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE), later was a guest at a dinner for international delegates. Dr Sheng noted that a key challenge in further international outreach would be achieving greater quality across Colleges, while also seeing a migration for many of the 600 new applied technology universities also planned over coming years.
Wayne Wheeler, Acting Director of International Education, Association of American Community Colleges, Dr Sheng Jianxue, Secretary General, CEAIE, Martin Riordan, CEO TDA, and Dilip Chenoy, CEO, India’s NSDC.
Professor Janet Gregory, Learning Innovations, Swinburne University of Technology, and Dr Sheng Jianxue, Secretary General CEAIE.
Martin Doel CBE, CEO of Association of Colleges UK, Denise Amyot, CEO Canadian Institute and Colleges, and Martin Riordan CEO TDA.
Alison Wood, Institute Director, Northern Sydney Institute of TAFE.
Wayne Wesley, Executive Director Heart Technology Agency, Jamaica, and Dr Shyamal Majumdar, Head UNESCO-UNEVOC, Bonn.
Dr Christina Hong, Chief Academic Office and Executive Director, TAFE Queensland, and Trevor Schwenke, General Manager, TAFE Queensland South West
TDA’s Industry Workshop panel
(LtoR) Dr Chengrong Wang, President Beijing College of Finance & Commerce, Ms Tian Xiuping, President Tangshan Vocational & Technical College, Eliza Chui, Director of Austrade Education, China, Trevor Schwenke, General Manager, TAFE Queensland South West, Jane Zhou, V-P ICRO International Education Consulting, Professor Liu Yufeng, Head of INternational and VET Research, CIVTE, Sean Starmer, Counsellor (Science and Industry) in China, Department of Industry.
TAFE SA delivers qualification in Kiribati
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Cathie Brown (left), TAFE SA Executive Director, Business Development and Regions, and the First Lady of Kiribati (right), Nei Meme Tong present a student with a TAFE SA qualification. |
TAFE SA has awarded Australian qualifications to graduates from the Kiribati Institute of Technology (KIT) at a ceremony attended by President and First Lady of Kiribati, the Minister of Labour and Human Resource Development, the Australian High Commissioner to Kiribati and TAFE SA representatives.
TAFE SA has worked with KIT since 2011 as part of the Kiribati Technical Vocational Education and Training Sector Strengthening Program.
The program, which receives financial support from the Australian Government, is designed to develop a modernised VET sector in Kiribati with students receiving internationally recognised Australian qualifications.
The Australian qualifications delivered by KIT are primarily at Certificate II level.
Over 150 qualifications were issued to students in the areas of Business, Accounting, Automotive, Construction and Electro-technology. Certificate II in Construction Pathways graduates are highly sought after on Kiribati road construction projects due to their understanding of, and adherence to, Workplace Health and Safety requirements and their technical skills.
Workforce needs identified in key growth industries
The gap between the knowledge generated in the education system and the skills demanded in key growth industries is widening, according to a new report from the asked the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER).
As part of the government’s competitiveness agenda, it asked NCVER to explore the skills needs in five strategic industries – food and agribusiness; mining equipment, technology and services; biotechnology and pharmaceuticals; oil and gas; and advanced manufacturing.
The report says there is a need for a significant cultural shift in thinking about the way skills are generated and deployed.
It identified particular issues for each industry. In agriculture and manufacturing, older, lower-skilled workers require retraining to find acceptable jobs in their changing industries or elsewhere.
In oil, gas and mining, recruiting and maintaining workers in remote and hazardous locations are ongoing challenges.
In biotechnology, universities and companies must work closely to understand the business environment to thereby ensure a supply of appropriately skilled graduates.
See more.
Membership invited for transport and logistics advisory committee
The Transport and Logistics Industry Skills Council (TLISC) is inviting TAFEs that use TLISC Training Packages to nominate a representative for a TAFE advisory committee.
The committee will provide TLISC with input and advice on Training Package implementation, feedback on resources to support Training Package implementation, and intelligence on issues and opportunities to improve quality of training outcomes.
Members will be selected based on skills and experience, and the group will aim to represent a balance of interests across the Transport and Logistics sectors.
It will comprise individuals who are actively engaged in the industry areas reflected across the sectors covered by the Training Packages – namely transport and logistics, rail, aviation and maritime.
Participation will be limited to one representative per TAFE.
The first meeting is planned for 17 November in Melbourne, with teleconference facilities available.
See the attached nomination form.
Australian Training Awards bookings closing soon
There is just over a week left to book for the 2014 Australian Training Awards at the Adelaide Convention Centre on Friday 21 November.
The event is the peak national award ceremony for the vocational education and training (VET) sector, recognising individuals, businesses and registered training organisations for their contribution to skilling Australia.
To register, visit ‘The Event’ page of the Australian Training Awards website. Registrations close Friday 7 November.
Visit the 2014 Finalist Page to see who is in the running for this year’s national titles.
Webinar invite – payment system for international students
Readers are invited to take part in a webinar that will demonstrate improved ways of handling the finances associated with international students.
Western Union Business Solutions will host the 15-minute demonstration of its GlobalPay for Students Platform on 31 October, 1-1.15 pm.
The platform assists in international student payment processes, and is claimed to cut costs associated with foreign exchange, and increase efficiency in the reconciliation process.
The webinar will feature the key challenges faced by institutions and students, the benefits of a payment specialist and a demonstration of GlobalPay for Students.
See more.
Diary Dates
Group Training Australia
2014 National Conference
DATE: 12-14 November 2014
LOCATION: Grand Chancellor Hotel, Hobart
DETAILS: Click here for more information.
Government Skills Australia
2014 National Conference
DATE: 17-18 November 2014
LOCATION: Adelaide Oval
DETAILS: Click here for more information.
2014 B/HERT Awards
Business Higher Education Round Table
DATE: 20 November 2014
LOCATION: Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre
DETAILS: Click here for more information.
Australian Training Awards
DATE: 21 November 2014
LOCATION: Adelaide convention Centre
DETAILS: Click here for more information.
National Congress & Expo
DATE: 2 & 3 June 2015
LOCATION: Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre
DETAILS: Click here for more information.