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ABC News    |    4 September 2014


Internationally renowned singer-songwriter Gotye (aka Wally de Backer) and his bandmates have formed a rock’n’roll-based political group to contest the upcoming Victorian election, promoting changes in the areas of education, innovation and rock’n’roll.




Kris Schroeder (centre) with Gotye (left) and Tim Heath, are putting up.

The Grammy winner and his fellow musicians from Melbourne group, The Basics, have started the Basics Rock’n’Roll Party.

They will run for an Upper House seat.

Bassist Kris Schroeder said the band had always been politically active and starting their own party was the next step.

“It was a bit of a spur of the moment thing, we’re not politicians,” he said.

“We’ve come to accept the way things are a lot of the time and I think we’re demonstrating it doesn’t have to be that way.

“We’re putting our money where our mouth is and rather than just have whinge about things.”

Schroeder said the party’s focus would be on promoting changes in the areas of education, innovation and rock’n’roll.

He said having Gotye  in the party ranks would not hurt the party’s chances at the November election.

“I think it will be a blessing and a curse because some people will just say ‘who the hell do these guys think they are?’,” he said.

“But what’s important is that we’re united in our wish to make positive change.”



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