NCVER report reveals lack of scrutiny of VET sector

TDA News    |     10 November 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Data released by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) show the continuing fundamental role of  TAFE, as the public provider network, but also demonstrate a worrying failure in scrutiny by policy makers, according to TAFE Directors Australia. …………………………………………………………………………………….......…… The NCVER report Total VET students and courses 2014 reveals the huge growth in the VET sector to 3.9 million students – almost three times the number in the higher education sector.  The data also show: TAFE and private providers deliver roughly the same number of training hours nationally (41% by TAFE … [Read more...]

NCVER news


  Are vocational streams the key to producing a more adaptable workforce? Vocational streams could offer a framework for creating better connections between qualifications and jobs than the traditional approach based on specific skill sets for narrowly defined occupations.Show more... NCVER's research prospectus is full steam ahead Through the introduction of the new research prospectus, NCVER is investing in a range of applied research issues that governments and key employer and training provider stakeholders identify as being of highest priority to them. Show more... Recognising the prior learning of adult … [Read more...]

Vic to blitz “dodgy” VET providers


29 June 2015 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………   The Victorian Government is launching a major blitz to crackdown on "dodgy" training providers in order to lift standards in sector. …………………………………………………………………………………….......…… A review by Deloitte has revealed widespread abuses, including qualifications being issued to students who have no demonstrable skills, inappropriate marketing practices, short course duration, providers claiming government funding for non-existent training delivery and poor oversight of third parties delivering training. Skills minister Steve Herbert said that since November 2014, the government has had to restore funding eligibility for more than … [Read more...]

TDA Newsletter 9 June 2014

Senate committee endorses South Australian training plan A Senate committee has endorsed the South Australian government’s plan for subsidised training and criticised the Commonwealth for threatening to withhold $65 million in funding to the state. The Senate Education and Employment References Committee report on the ‘Operation, regulation and funding of private vocational education and training (VET) providers in Australia’, says the South Australian government’s plan “reflects deep concern with the existing national partnership agreement on training”. “The response from the federal government, to effectively penalise South Australia for prioritising TAFE by withholding $65 million … [Read more...]

TDA Newsletter 25 May 2015

Victoria to target training quality and international students – Minister Steve Herbert delivers Mick Young Oration Minister Steve Herbert delivers the Mick Young Oration. Victoria will shortly embark on a new risk-based approach to quality in the vocational education (VET) system, and will seek to position TAFEs as magnets for more international students. Delivering the 2015 Mick Young Oration in Melbourne last Thursday, the Minister for Training and Skills, Steve Herbert, said he would soon be acting on the Deloitte review of quality assurance in the state’s training system. “The Review analysed existing processes and procedures and will shortly be recommending a … [Read more...]

The Victorian VET Funding Review

TDA Logo snipped

8 May  2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… The Victorian Review of VET Funding, headed by former Holmesglen chief Bruce Mackenzie, is due to make an initial report to the government in early June (with its final report at the end of August). Over 750 submissions were made to the review by VET providers, industry and employers, students, teachers, parents and other interested parties, including by TAFE Directors Australia (TDA), representing the public providers, the Australian Council of Private Education and Training (ACPET), representing private RTOs. Funding issues aside, on which there are significant issues, funding issues aside, TDA and ACPET aren’t worlds apart in what … [Read more...]

Cover up alleged as Box Hill cleared over exam rorting

The Age     |     7 May 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Whistleblowers have accused the Victorian Education Department of a cover up after its investigation into claims Box Hill Institute passed failing students found no wrongdoing. …………………………………………………………………………………….......…… Four former teachers and two students wrote to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission in March and claimed that in mid-2013 a number of Box Hill student's exams were altered, increasing their marks to the pass rate of 50. They also contacted Training and Skills Minister Steve Herbert, who said the Education Department would investigate the claims. The whistleblowers also alleged … [Read more...]