In this edition Employers cut back on training New reform timetable for NSW Qualifications improve but jobs flat according to COAG China 2013 CEAIE conference focuses on sustainable growth Vocational training misses out on visa streamlining Training completion rates improving Update on VET reform standards TDA Kazakhstan project well underway 11th Education Expo in Pakistan Opportunity to learn about UK e-portfolio New education section in The Conversation Diary Dates Employers cut back on training Slower economic growth, and lower business confidence in 2013 has seen employers reduce their use of training, according to the … [Read more...]
RTO & Employer Partnerships for Workforce Development

Maximising a competitive advantage for RTOs 26 & 27 June 2013 | Rydges | Melbourne With a growing need for building partnerships it is essential for RTOs to develop a competitive advantage, to engage and educate employers on workforce planning. This conference will examine how RTOs can become more competitive through adapting their business model, shifting from a regular training approach towards a business consultancy focus. + Develop & implement a business consultancy model + Learn how to build an RTO alliance + Tools to educate employers on workforce planning + Develop strategies on utilising the NWDF … [Read more...]