Control and click headlines and highlights to link to articles, Links may not work unless you or your organisation is a paid subscriber to the originating media outlet. Check with your communications people about subscriptions. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Knight Review: Visas options discussion paper released The Australian 7 February 2012 The Knight Review of student visas noted that Assessment Level framework (AL) framework has not kept pace with changes in the scale and complexity of the student visa program and recommended the government review it (although there have been 7 other reviews over … [Read more...]
The Scan – 16 February 2012

Control and click headlines and highlights to link to articles, Links may not work unless you or your organisation is a paid subscriber to the originating media outlet. Check with your communications people about subscriptions. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Research block funding announced Research block indexed grant funding is up by more than $100 million this year across universities, with the Group of Eight maintaining the lion's share, at 64.8%, up slightly from last year's 64.5%. Tertiary Education, Skills, Science and Research Minister Chris Evans has confirmed a total of $1.63 billion for … [Read more...]
Victorian unis lead on offers
The Australian 13 February 2012 Victoria is home to four of the seven fastest growing universities this year, according to figures compiled by The Australian. RMIT, Deakin, La Trobe and Swinburne universities feature among the seven institutions that experienced at least 10% growth in early and main round offers administered through the tertiary admissions centres. With an increase of 18.3%, RMIT is by far the fastest growing university in Australia on this measure, which doesn’t take account of late and direct offers. The surge occurred even though Victoria has already passed the ‘Bradley’ attainment target for 40% of 25-34 year-olds to have degree-level qualifications by … [Read more...]
Future of university entry – demise of TACs?
7 February 2012 In a demand driven system, the days of centrally co-ordinated admissions processes (through Tertiary Admissions Centres) may be drawing to a close, writes Ian Young . At present, the vast majority of students enrol through a Tertiary Admission Centre (a University Admission Centre (UAC) in NSW/ACT). These centres were set up in an environment where there were a limited number of places in universities and a larger number of students seeking those places. The aim of the admission centre is to equitably distribute those students based on their tertiary entry score. In a demand driven system, the tables are turned. There are now a large number of university places … [Read more...]
Victorian tertiary offers
Over 81, 000 applicants for a place in a Victorian university or TAFE institute received notification on 16 January 2012 about the success or otherwise of their applications. Overall , the Victorian Tertiary Applications Centre (VTAC) issued 59,992 offers on behalf of universities and participating TAFES and private colleges [GO HERE FOR VTAC DATA]. The majority of these - 47, 927 - were offers of a place at a university. With early offers to 9,559 applicants, the total number of domestic applicants with the offer of a place at a university was 54,155 (discounting multiple offers), an increase of 8.5% over last year and an overall record. Since caps were relaxed in 2009, … [Read more...]