Queensland Education Minister meets TDA Board with TAFE Queensland Chair and CEO ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Launch of TAFE Queensland TV advertising.......TDA Annual Report 2013. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......…… The TDA National Board has met in Brisbane, Friday for the TDA Annual General Meeting. The Queensland Minister for Education, John Paul Langbroek met with the Board and previewed new television advertising which will be launched in July for TAFE Queensland. The Chair of TAFE Queensland, Warren Tapp, and CEO Jodi Schmidt attended, with Jodi outlining the brand characteristics for the new TAFE Queensland TV promotion. See here for TAFE Queensland … [Read more...]
TAFE in the era of skills reform

5 January 2014 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... An interview with Leesa Wheelahan Leesa Wheelahan, formerly of the L H Martin Institute for Tertiary Education Leadership and Management at the University of Melbourne, recently moved to Canada to take up the William G Davis Chair of Community College Leadership at the Ontario Institute for Studies for Education at the University of Toronto. Leesa has been a champion of the public TAFE system and a strong critic of successive governments’ reforms of the … [Read more...]
Queensland TAFE facilities up for grabs
The Australian | 4 November 2013 The Queensland government has begun the search for commercial tenants of the state's TAFE infrastructure, with survey of the state’s private registered training oranisations (RTOs) to gauge their interest in using TAFE infrastructure, and under what terms. Thirty-eight TAFE sites have been identified for potential private use. An email to staff from the education department’s TAFE Reform team indicated that the intention is to determine if and how private RTOs would use TAFE infrastructure that is not required by TAFE It stressed that only land and buildings are on offer and that equipment, in general, will remain the property of TAFE … [Read more...]
The Scan | #142 | 1 November 2013

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The state of Australian education A report by the Council of Australian Governments Reform Council shows mixed progress on education. Participation in preschool is high and school outcomes in the early years are improving. Nationally, average scores improved in Years 3 and 5 in reading and in Year 5 in numeracy, but there were no improvements in Years 7 and 9. Australia is also performing behind top countries in these key areas. Year 12 attainment has increased, particularly for Indigenous … [Read more...]
Redundancies at Brisbane TAFE

Courier Mail | 25 October 2013 A new wave of redundancies is rolling through Queensland’s TAFE sector with about 50 staff - 40 administrative staff and 10 teachers - set to lose their jobs at Brisbane North Institute of TAFE. Queensland Teacher's Union president Kevin Bates said it was the latest hit to the sector still reeling from hundreds of job losses in the past 18 months. Figures released in July showed 349 redundancies had been accepted by TAFE staff around the state between March 2012 and June 30 this year. We continue to hear a variety of excuses (for job losses)... That this is just part of a normal process. That is simply not true. What we are seeing is an … [Read more...]
TDA Newsletter 28 October 2013
In this edition Minister Pyne sets ground rules on higher education regulation Developing a graduation statement for VET Up-skilling needed for agrifood workforce Funding open for Queensland training providers Employers urged to ‘rate their training’ Vocations rule in the regions TAFE facing up to challenges Technical and vocational education helping skilled migrants NCVER’s validation software now available for AVETMISS release 7.0 Diary Dates Minister Pyne sets ground rules on higher education regulation The Minister for Education, Christopher Pyne, has stepped in to ensure reduced regulation and reporting in higher education, with … [Read more...]
Priority to TAFEs in QLD plan to outsource and privatise
The Australian | 6 June 2013 TAFE centres could lead an outsourcing drive in Queensland, with the Newman government pitting the private and public sectors against each other in delivering training services. Just a day after delivering the Liberal National Party government's second budget, Treasurer Tim Nicholls said TAFE centres were a priority for "contestability" reforms, which are likely to include other parts of the education and health departments. The government has previously flagged outsourcing in its drive to save money as it grapples with falling state revenues and spiralling debt, with Peter Costello's Commission of Audit into Queensland's finances warning that … [Read more...]
TAFE Queensland set up
The Queensland Government has passed legislation to establish the new TAFE Queensland as an independent statutory body. The minister for education, training and employment John-Paul Langbroek said the new entity will manage all TAFE institutes from 1 July this year. It follows the recommendations of a review undertaken by the Queensland Skills and Training Taskforce. Langbroek said one of the first tasks will be to recruit up to nine board members with commercial experience and in-depth knowledge of VET in order to set the organisational structure of TAFE Queensland. I will appoint the interim CEO, however all future CEO appointments will be made by the board to reflect the … [Read more...]
TAFE Queensland Inc
Queensland Government | 16 April 2013 As recommended in the Roche report on Queensland TAFE, the Newman government has introduced legislation to create to establish a new TAFE Queensland as an independent statutory body. Minister for education, training and employment John-Paul Langbroek said the new parent entity will come into being on 1 July 2013 to manage Queensland’s 13 TAFE institutes. The government expects that under the new arrangements, Queensland’s TAFE institutes will be stronger and more responsive to the skills and training needs of students and industry. Langbroek says that, up until now, the government has been both a purchaser of training and a … [Read more...]
Queensland’s blueprint for TAFE reform

Final Report of the Queensland Skills and Training Taskforce | 6 November 2012 The final report of the Queensland Skills and Training Taskforce, established in June to advise the government on reform of the VET sector, differs little from its interim report in September. It recommends a radical overhaul of industrial arrangements, and the closure of 38 of the state's 82 TAFE campuses (without specifying which ones). The final report does, however, propose a timetable for transition to full contestability for public funding, beginning 1 July 2013 on a limited basis, with full implementation from 1 July 2014. The Taskforce recommends that the actual amount of contestable … [Read more...]