VET FEE-HELP providers under the microscope The federal government has announced that training providers will be subject of targeted audits to prevent the exploitation of VET FEE-HELP. The Assistant Minister for Education and Training Senator Simon Birmingham said the regulator, the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), would undertake a total of 23 audits of registered training organisations, including providers identified in complaints to the authority. “Any training providers found to be engaged in practices that are contrary to the required national Standards could face regulatory sanctions, including the cancelation or suspension of their registration,” he said. Senator … [Read more...]
ACPET National Monday Update 14 July 2014
In Focus In Focus I have been acting CEO for a little over a week. It has been challenging for us all but I have been very fortunate that the Board Members, senior staff and a number of state committee members have been willing and able to assist with meetings and providing policy input. Claire Field has also provided an excellent and very professional handover. Thank you for all the support. The following is a snap shot of some of the activities and key priorities for the week as well as dealing with all the usual end of year activities, including our annual financial audit.... Read more National ACPET's LLN Capable project - working towards our VET … [Read more...]
Senate inquiry splits on TEQSA bill
The Australian | 19 June 2014 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… A Senate inquiry into a bill to restructure the higher education regulator has split along party lines. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......…… The majority report of the Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee has recommended the Senate to pass the bill to streamline the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA). The bill would take away its broad quality assessment role, spill the commissioners and restructure the commission, and enlarge the minister’s power to give directions to the agency. It would give commissioners more power to delegate decisions, and allow TEQSA to … [Read more...]
ACPET National Monday Update 16 June 2014

In Focus Short but sweet If you aren't already attending this month's National Skills Summit then click here to register. The Summit will be addressed by Industry Minister, Ian Macfarlane, in his first major address to the VET sector. We anticipate the Minister will use his address to outline a range of reforms to the VET sector - including in relation to regulation. Don't miss out, places are almost full. If you'd like more opportunities to discuss and reflect on reforms to VET, higher education and international education - then book now for the 2014 ACPET National Conference. Early bird registration ends shortly and the program is coming together well for both the … [Read more...]
VET students to rate Australia’s training
NCVER | 3 June 2014 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Over the coming weeks around 150 000 Australian students will be asked about their recent experience at a TAFE institute, private training provider, or adult and community education provider. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….......…… Managed by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), the annual Student Outcomes Survey provides information on vocational education and training (VET) students’ employment outcomes and satisfaction with their training. Rod Camm, managing director of NCVER, said that this year, for the first time, students will be surveyed at a course level. It’s essential for … [Read more...]
The Scan in May 2014 – top ten reads
VET in the Budget – the government’s statement 13 May 2014 | The “tools for your trade payments” for apprentices will cease from 1 July 2014. It will be replaced immediately with a Trade Support Loans Program providing $439m over five years to provide apprentices with financial assistance up to $20K over a four year apprenticeship through a student loan repayment scheme. The Government will also establish an Industry Skills Fund to provide $470m over four years to support the training needs of small to medium enterprises that cannot be met by the national training system. Expenditure is budgeted to decline about 13% in 2014-15 over 2013-14 (from $1.67 billion … [Read more...]
ACPET National Monday Update Edition 556, 2 June 2014

In Focus A mini-update My sincere apologies that due to illness (and writing these articles myself on weekends) this week's article is merely a mini-update - normal transmission will resume next week. Register now for this month's National Skills Summit - with Minister Macfarlane to give the keynote address and... Read more Featured Higher Education Standards Panel - Call for Comment (Number 3) Dear Colleagues, The Higher Education Standards Panel (the Panel) is currently inviting comment on proposed revisions to the current Higher Education Standards Framework (the framework). Development of the proposed framework has been previously informed by feedback … [Read more...]