Improving equity through VET FEE-HELP


21 July 2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Two of the key architects of the original HECS, Dr Tim Higgins and Professor Bruce Chapman, have produced a new report that argues for significant reform to the income contingent loan scheme that would extend it to more VET students while making it affordable.  They argue that extending income contingent loans to more VET students is required to ensure equity among tertiary students,  but this would require adjustment to the current system otherwise it would not be financially sustainable or equitable. They note that when compared to university graduates, Certificate III and IV completers have low incomes and, for women, low … [Read more...]

UA calls for passage of deregulation package – with amendments

Universities Australia     |      28 August 2014 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Universities Australia (UA) has called on the Parliament to support the deregulation of Australian universities with changes to the government's proposals that it says  will assure affordability for students and taxpayers. . ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… UA chief executive, Belinda Robinson, said that the Parliament had a once in a generation opportunity to shape an Australian higher education system that is sustainable, affordable and equitable in serving the best interests of students and the nation. "With budgets under pressure, governments faced with a myriad of competing … [Read more...]

V-Cs urge modified reform package


The Australian    |    26 August 2014 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Vice-chancellors have converged on Canberra to lobby education minister Christopher Pyne to push ahead with plans to deregulate tuition fees but with amendments to the whole reform package, including a rethink of proposals to impose sharply higher interest rates on student loans. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… The vice-chancellors have also reacted strongly to the suggestion that the government might grab savings from university research budgets if it does not get its reforms through the Senate. Glyn Davis, head of Melbourne University, described as “chilling” Pyne’s refusal to rule out cuts to … [Read more...]

Getting higher ed reforms fit to fly

 Swinburne Newsroom    |    25 August 2014……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Professor Linda Kristjanson, vice-chancellor, Swinburne University of Technology proposes five key changes to the federal government's higher education package - including a maximum cap on student fees and moderating proposed changes to student loans interest rates. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………  One of Swinburne University’s subject strengths is aviation, and so when our researchers see an interesting new aircraft design one of the first things they ask is: will it fly?That’s the question that confronts anyone considering the higher education reform package that formed part of the recent federal … [Read more...]

TDA to lobby Senate to pass HE reforms

 Fairfax Media     |      17 August 2014 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Labor and the Greens will be shown as hypocrites if they throw low-income students undertaking higher education at vocational colleges ''into the dustbin'' by denying them government support, according to TAFE Directors Australia (TDA). ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… TDA chief Martin Riordan says it would be a ''tragedy'' if the Senate blocks the expansion of Commonwealth subsidies to students in sub-bachelor degrees - a budget measure experts say will bring fees down and reduce university drop-out rates. The Abbott government announced in the May budget that, as part of its sweeping higher … [Read more...]

TDA Newsletter 18 August 2014

Apprenticeships and traineeships slump The collapse in apprentice and trainee commencements has continued, according to early estimates from the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER). Seasonally adjusted trade commencements fell 1,200 to 21,700 in the June quarter, representing three consecutive quarters of decline since the September quarter 2013. Seasonally adjusted non-trade commencements fell 2,300 to 28,800 in the June quarter, representing four quarters of decline and the lowest in at least ten years. “We know from our research that commencements in trade apprenticeships closely follow the economic cycle”, said Ms Sue Fergusson, Acting Managing … [Read more...]

Happy birthday, Mr Pyne!


14 August 2014 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… As the Labor Party ramps up its  opposition to the ­Abbott government’s proposed  university funding cuts and fee deregulation, the campaign group Get Up has joined with the National Union of Students to organise a petition to education minister Christopher Pyne in the form of an e-birthday card to celebrate his 47th birthday (13 August). ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… … [Read more...]