The Greens Tertiary Education Policy

The Greens

Higher education

Building a sustainable university sector

The Greens say they are committed to boosting funding to the university sector by $8.3 billion over four years so it can provide high quality and affordable higher education and training. To help provide world-class teaching and research opportunities in universities, the Greens will:

 Invest $7 billion to reverse the Coalition’s  cuts and fund a 10% increase in base funding per student at public universities; and

 Invest $1.306 billion into research to reverse Government cuts to our most successful university research.

Supporting university students

The Greens propose to oppose higher fees for students by:

  • reducing students’ HELP costs by 20%; and
  • reinstating the Student Start-Up Scholarships as a grant rather than a loan.

The Greens say the annual cost of $1.403 billion  will be more than offset by continuing the ‘deficit levy’ on a permanent basis for those earning over $180,000 per year, raising an additional $1.55 billion per annum.

Vocational Education & Training

The Greens propose to:

  • Cease providing federal government funds to for-profit VET providers.
  •  Implement a TAFE federal rescue package which boosts funding by $400 million a year.
  • Establish a VET Ombudsman with $10 million in seed funding.




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