NCVER | 10 November 2015
This report provides, for the first time, an estimate of the extent and nature of all accredited vocational education and training (VET) delivered in 2014 by Australian training providers. Information is now collected from all types of providers and not only those in receipt of Commonwealth or state funding. Information is provided on the number of training providers, students, enrolments in programs, enrolments in subjects, hours of delivery and program completions.
Training providers
This publication covers the accredited training delivered by 4601 Australian providers in 2014, which comprised:
- 3815 registered training organisations
- 786 non-registered training organisations (such as community education providers and schools)
In 2014, accredited training was reported by:
- 2865 private training providers
- 960 schools
- 497 community education providers
- 210 enterprise providers
- 57 TAFE institutes
- 15 universities.
In 2014, there were 3 908 000 students enrolled in training with 4601 Australian providers. Training was delivered to:
- 2 252 900 students (57.6%) at private training providers
- 1 065 600 students (27.3%) at TAFE institutes
- 190 300 students (4.9%) at schools
- 185 100 students (4.7%) at community education providers
- 78 000 students (2.0%) at universities
- 82 800 students (2.1%) at enterprise providers.
In 2014, the majority of students undertook training in the same state or territory in which they resided. For example:
- 96.1% of students receiving training in Tasmania were residents of Tasmania
- 65.6% of students receiving training in the Australian Capital Territory were residents of the Australian Capital Territory.
In 2014, training was delivered from:
- New South Wales to 1 131 400 students (29.0%)
- Victoria to 1 052 400 students (26.9%)
- Queensland to 881 600 students (22.6%)
- Western Australia to 372 400 students (9.5%)
- South Australia to 242 200 students (6.2%)
- Australian Capital Territory to 76 800 students (2.0%)
- Tasmania to 62 900 students (1.6%)
- Northern Territory 50 300 students (1.3%)
- overseas locations to 30 900 students (0.8%).
Student characteristics
In 2014, VET students comprised:
- 54.8% male students
- 43.0% female students
- 37.3% students aged 24 years and under
- 60.7% students aged 25 years and over
- 3.4% students from remote and very remote localities
- 3.7% Indigenous students
- 5.1% students with a disability
- 9.7% apprentices and trainees undertaking off-the-job training
- 96.8% domestic students
- 3.2% international students.
In 2014, there were 6344 unique programs or courses, of which:
- 2407 courses were locally (not nationally) recognised
- 2219 programs were designed to lead to a qualification specified in a national training package
- 979 were nationally accredited courses
- 643 were skill sets — nationally and locally recognised
- 96 were higher level qualifications such as bachelor degrees.
- There were 3.6 million enrolments in VET programs. Of these:
- 3.1 million (86.4%) were in Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) programs
- 487 700 (13.6%) were in non-AQF programs
- by program level, certificate III was the most popular with 1.1 million enrolments in programs (30.7%)
- by field of education, management and commerce was the most popular, with 738 500 program enrolments (20.6%).
In 2014, there were 2.8 million program enrolments (77.5%) in national training packages. Of these:
- Business Services was the most popular training package, with 420 200 program enrolments (15.1% of all training package program enrolments)
- Community Services was the second most popular training package, with 363 700 program enrolments (13.1%).
In 2014, there were a further 441 100 (12.3%) enrolments in nationally accredited courses.
In 2014:
- 65.4% of subjects were delivered to students in classrooms, 10.6% were delivered electronically and 12.6% were employment-based.
- The remaining 11.4% were delivered by other modes (such as correspondence) or were subject enrolments with credit transfer or recognition of prior learning outcomes.
In 2014, there were 27.5 million enrolments in subjects. Of these:
- 59.4% were Commonwealth or state-funded
- 35.0% were fee-for-service (domestic)
- 5.6% were fee-for-service (international).
- In 2014, 818.2 million hours of VET were delivered. Of these:
- 65.0% were Commonwealth or state-funded
- 28.5% were fee-for-service (domestic) funded
- 6.5% were fee-for-service (international) funded.
In 2014, the load pass rate (a weighted subject completion rate) was:
- 82.7% for Commonwealth or state-funded subjects
- 85.1% for fee-for-service (domestic) subjects
- 82.8% for fee-for-service (international) subjects.
Programs completed
The preliminary statistics indicate 815 600 Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) programs were completed in 2014. Of these:
- 114 500 programs (14.0%) were completed in diploma or higher qualifications
- 701 100 programs (86.0%) were completed in certificates I—IV.
It is important to note that these figures are not completion rates. They are the number of programs that were completed in 2014.
Total VET students and courses 2014