In Focus
This week I find myself a bit at a loss of what are our key messages for the sector Edition 627, 26 OctOne must try and remain positive and I remain very proud of the many private and public providers I know and respect for their genuine commitment to education. We still have a system that produces great results, though I acknowledge that gets little airplay at the moment. I also remain committed to cleaning out ACPET’s membership, with the view to ensuring we do represent those Colleges that stand for ethics and quality in tertiary education.I acknowledge we are not there yet. It has been pleasing to receive a surprising amount of support over the last few weeks, where ACPET has strongly stated its case that only those genuinely committed to quality education have a role in this proud sector. I am very confident that the cream will rise to the top, it always does. I now often wonder how best to fasten that journey. We are still working across a range of areas that will make a difference, though time is of the essence. We should not lament that all is ruined. Because it is not. The many providers delivering fee for service training, State and Territory funded qualifications and many offering VET FEE HELP (VFH) are continuing to deliver a quality product. However, there are some issues across areas of delivery. Let’s start with the VFH data:
I don’t really think I need to say anymore. You can see from the numbers that the sector does need to lift its game. VFH is a critically important program for Australia’s future. As the only real growing fund source, quality qualifications can fuel the skills, innovation and entrepreneurship needed in our future economy. It is that important. Looking at the trends and the outcomes from the VFH investment, we must do better. We are all citizens and have both a right, and responsibility to demand proper outcomes from any government investment. While the accounting treatment might be different, student loans, bankrolled by government, must produce results at least equivalent to elsewhere in the sector and put simply at the moment it is not. Our collective voice is needed. I have discussed the problems with government, industry, public and private providers and industry, to name a few. Despite all having different angles, politics and desires, all unite in the belief both in the sector and of the many quality providers. All also lament where we now are Where to – now that is the question. I look forward to continuing the discussions with many of you with a sense of urgency. As an industry we can show the way
ACPET 2016 National Conference in Hobart, TAS (24-26 August 2016) Edition 627, 26 OctPlease mark your calendars now for The Australian Council for Private Education and Training (ACPET) 2016 National Conference and Asia Pacific International Education Forum (APIEF). These important events which focus on the strategic and policy development levels of the industry will be held in Hob… Read more |
Short film competition for students studying overseas Edition 627, 26 OctA short-film competition called Show and Tell launches today. It raises awareness of opportunities to study overseas by encouraging students to share their own stories. Students who are currently or have previously studied overseas can create a short 60-90 second video about their experience, uploa… Read more |
NCVER Research Forum Edition 627, 26 OctWhen one door closes: VET’s role in re-skilling displaced workers When: Wednesday 18 November, 10am-4pm Where: Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre The Australian economy is changing with significant job losses in traditional manufacturing and rapidly evolving technological adv… Read more |
2015 Industry and Export Awards WA – Congratulations Engineering Institute of Technology Edition 627, 26 OctThe Western Australian Industry and Export Awards is the State’s most prestigious business awards, acknowledging the hard work and enterprise of some of the State’s most innovative companies. The Awards have helped open doors for emerging and established exporters and provided well-earned r… Read more |
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