Students’ engagement with their school is set by the time they reach the age of 15
To what extent can school characteristics influence student engagement at age 15 years?
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Will my qualification land me a job in that area?
The proportion of VET graduates employed in the occupation for which they studied varies greatly by industry. But is all lost for those employed in other occupations?
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Widening participation through education and training
Education and training have the power to transform people’s lives. But how do we engage disadvantaged learners in education?
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Readiness to meet demand: Five key industry growth areas
NCVER is currently finalising research on five key growth industries for which Australia needs to prepare its workforce.
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It’s not just about the money when moving location for work
What drives people to relocate for work? It’s more than just money — factors like professional development, employment status and family can all contribute.
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How effective are training reforms? A look at Victoria
Training reforms can lead to substantial increases in vocational education and training (VET) enrolments
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Disadvantaged learners and VET-to-higher education transitions
Why is this transition pathway underutilised, despite the availability of formal arrangements such as credit transfer and support?
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‘Scored’ VET subjects can block the path to university for Year 12 students in Victoria
Research highlights unintended adverse outcome of pathway policy.
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NCVER data update
Find out more about the latest data releases on apprenticeships and traineeships, student numbers, the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth, and student outcomes.
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NCVER supporting total VET activity reporting
NCVER is undertaking a number of initiatives to support RTOs prepare for total VET activity reporting.
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Managing Director Rod Camm: One year on
It’s almost one year since I took on the role of NCVER’s Managing Director…
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