Tertiary education in the 2014-15 Budget – sector responses

Budget drives sweeping changes to higher education

ua logoThe budget puts higher education on a path of radical change … and will fundamentally alter the shape of Australian higher education…In deciding to extend the demand driven system and government funding to non-university providers, UA is pleased that further work will be done to ensure competitive fairness and that the relative government support appropriately takes account of the differing community expectations and public good obligations…..[ MORE ]….

A package to explore for the future

IRU has long advocated continuing with charging caps, set to ensure universities have sufficient revenue to provide good IRU logoquality education. Ensuring the open charges system is introduced well, is a major challenge. The changes move more of the cost of higher education onto students, including research students. We need to ensure that this works and that students gain the education they deserve and need for the additional impost…..[ MORE ]….

Structural reform long overdue

Go8 logo newThe Government has announced a number of important measures to position the Australian higher education sector for the future. These historic reforms reconcile access and quality, and make growth affordable. A more dynamic higher education sector will continue to expand opportunity in a sustainable way. It will be more responsive to students’ needs, offering greater diversity and new opportunities…..[ MORE ]….

An ambitious budget for higher educationRUN Logo

Keeping the demand driven system for bachelor places and extending it to sub-bachelor places, will assist in providing pathways and lift participation in higher education in regional Australia for less well prepared students. This will assist in providing pathways and lift participation in higher education in regional Australia for less well prepared students….[ MORE ]….

Students to bear costs of reform

ATN logoAustralia’s future university students, who will form the backbone of a skilled national economy, are the big losers in the Federal Budget. While the Government has confirmed its commitment to ensuring access for all students who qualify to attend an Australian university the cost of that reform will be borne by the very students they hope to attract. The demand driven system is a significant reform measure and its continuation is welcome, however the sting in the tail is the impact upon our future students…..[ MORE ]….

A fair deal for higher education in TAFE

tda_logo- largeAdvocacy by TAFE Directors Australia (TDA) over more than four years has emerged cessful, with Budget 2014 overhauling Federal course funding contributions toward students enrolling in higher education courses at TAFE Institutes and non-university institutions. Student loans for apprenticeship students is the major feature for skills in the Budget. The student loans will replace traditional apprenticeship payments for completions of staged course segments. Student loans will be offered up to $8,000 in Year 1, $6000 in Year 2, $4000 in Year 3, and $2000 in Year 4….[ MORE ]….

Reforms create a level playing fieldPrint

The government’s higher education reforms are a major milestone, and deliver equity and fairness for the growing number of higher education students choosing to undertake their degree or sub- degree program at a non-university institution. The changes the government has announced offer all students funding support from the Commonwealth. They will support genuine student choice and competition amongst all of Australia’s 173 higher education providers…..[ MORE ]….

The road to ruin

nteu-logoNo longer will students gain entry into university based solely on academic merit, but on their capacity and willingness to pay the market price for a degree. Student fees will now skyrocket at some universities, university funding has been cut, the cost of servicing student debt will increase and the viability of some of our universities will be undermined by for-profit private providers…..[ MORE ]….


Reforms empower student choice

The higher education sector could use a good dose of student focus and greater innovation in order to drive better OUAlearning outcomes. Any industry that makes price the issue is giving more power to consumers. In other industry sectors, deregulation of fees has led to better outcomes for consumers. In a demand driven system, we encourage students to expect and demand more from their education providers. Work out what you really want. For some, prestige will always count but for many more, flexibility and affordability will be key….[ MORE ]….


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