The Scan December 2013

2 January 2014


The 10 most viewed items on The Scan in December 2013, in order.


Maddock steps down

John Maddock2 December 2013    |   John Maddock, chief executive of Box Hill Institute in Melbourne has announced he will step down from the role at the conclusion of his contract on 7 December.After 14 years as chief executive, Maddock informed staff on 29 November that with senior executive roles needing to be filled, and the Institute’s new five year Plan soon to begin, it was time to “rejuvenate” and he had decided to step down….[ READ MORE ]….

Vic TAFE merger talks broaden

   Merger5 December 2013    |   Victoria’s Advance TAFE and GippsTAFE  are  involved in talks with eastern Melbourne’s Chisholm Institute and the dual-sector University of Ballarat “to explore the best fit in terms of organisational objectives and stakeholder needs”.  See  Advance & Gipps TAFEs to partner with Fed U .…[ READ MORE ]….

Policy directions in higher education

signposts215 December 2013    |      In this commentary for the ACPET Journal for Private Education, Brendan Sheehan looks to the higher education policy horizon under the newly elected Coalition government.  On the face of it, he writes,  education generally is an area in which little immediate change would be anticipated, with the major parties going to the election on broadly bipartisan platforms.  But.…[ READ MORE ]….

National TAFE inquiry gets go ahead

TAFE image16 December 2013    |    The Senate’s Education and Employment References Committee will hold a wide-ranging inquiry into TAFE.It follows a similar inquiry initiated by the House of Representatives which was cut short when the Parliament was dissolved ahead of the September federal election.The inquiry will hold sittings in  capital cities and in regional centres and will report by  14 May….[ READ MORE ]…

The first 100 days

18 December 2013    |    This commentary is by someone we haven’t actually noticed before – Andrew P Street of The Vine, which is a lifestyle blog targetting young people (18 to 35 years old).  Street’s forthright lack of “even handedness” is disarmingly fresh – you can have no doubts where he stands in the political spectrum.….[ READ MORE ]….

TAFE grants rescinded

TDA-logo219 December 2013    |   TAFEs have slammed the government’s  decision to shut them out of a competitive capital grants fund, reneging on $76 million awarded by the previous government.  The grants, to TAFEs in the Sunshine Coast, Central Queensland and NSW North Coast, would have supported three of the 12 projects approved by the Education Investment Fund’s advisory board…..[ READ MORE ]….

Review of demand driven system

$ key19 December 2013    |    Submissions to the review of the demand driven system initiated by education minister Christopher Pyne closed on 16 December 2013.   University sector submissions support its retention and an extension to sub-bachelor places to create pathways for less academically prepared students.  Submissions also propose readjusting fees, including a mechanism to allow full fees (IRU)…..[ READ MORE ]….

Latest PISA results ‘cause for concern’

PISA 20123 December 2013    |    A report released  by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) reveals the mathematics and reading skills of Australian 15-year-olds have slipped backwards over the past decade.  Releasing the report, PISA 2012: How Australia measures up, ACER’s Director of Educational Monitoring and Research, Dr Sue Thomson said that, despite still performing above the OECD average, Australia’s backwards slide in achievement shows that there is some cause for concern……[ READ MORE ]….

Gardner appointed to Monash

Professor Margaret Gardner17 December 2013    |    Monash University Council has appointed Professor Margaret Gardner AO as the ninth Vice-Chancellor of Monash University, and the first woman to serve in the role.  Professor Gardner will commence on 1 September 2014, succeeding Professor Edward Byrne, who will become President and Principal at King’s College London.  Professor Gardner is currently Vice-Chancellor and President of RMIT University……[ READ MORE ]….

Mid year cuts to higher education

 Budget 201317 December 2013   |   The changes to policy and funding announced in relation to higher education included in the Mid-Year Fiscal and Economic Outlook (MYEFO) 2013-14 statements on 17 December result in net reduction of just over $200m in funding over the next four years……[ READ MORE ]….


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