The Scan in October 2013 : Most read items

1 November 2013

LeesaWhy TAFE matters

25 October 2013  |  The insightful Leesa Wheelahan will soon be decamping the LH Martin Institute to take up the at the University of Toronto.  Here she reflects on the challenges facing the TAFE sector as a result of “VET reform”, which she suggests can only result in a greatly diminished role for TAFE, at great community and social cost….[ READ MORE ]…. 

Hockey rules out privatisation of HECS

18 October 2013     |    Treasurer Joe Hockey has  hosed down speculation that the government plans to “privatise” student debt, followingSecuritisation claims that the right to recoup loans worth about $23 billion may be “sold off” to the private sector. But education minister Christopher Pyne has since “hosed it up”….. [ READ MORE ]….

Pyne2Pyne promises easier work rights for international students

30 September 2013    |    The Abbott government will look at liberalising immigration rules, including offering easier permanent residency, to encourage more international students to come to Australia in an effort to boost Australia’s $14 billion a year.…. [READ MORE ]….

Why a minimum ATAR would improve efficiency and equityMichael Gallagher

18 October 2013    |    Mike Gallagher (executive director , Group of Eight universities), makes the case for a “re-calibration” of the demand driven system, by the imposition of a minimum ATAR for university entry.   He argues that the G08’s proposal for a minimum ATAR of 60 (now apparently in public abeyance) was never an argument for  reintroducing caps but would actually improve both equity and efficiency in the higher education system.…. [READ MORE]….

marianne-loureyNice work, if you can get it

2 October 2013    |      A former Victorian energy bureaucrat has won her company a $1 million taxpayer-funded contract to oversee TAFE reforms despite her having no experience in the education sector and without having to go through a competitive tender process. The Ombudsman has now initiated an inquiry. [READ MORE]….

Employers losing faith in training systemTAFE quals

31 July 2013    |     A  Victorian government-commissioned survey has found that employers are losing faith in the quality of training qualifications, adding more ammunition to ongoing criticism of the state’s open market for training subsidies that has led to a proliferation of private providers. [READ MORE]….

cut red tapeTEQSA’s plan to cut redtape

4 October 2013    |    The Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) has announced details of a “reform agenda” drawing on the  Review of Higher Education Regulation  as well its own work to cut ‘red tape’; speed up regulatory decisions; strengthen risk-based regulation; acknowledge strong higher education track records; and maintain a “robust” approach…..[READ MORE]….

Australian unis suffer reputational damagethe_wur_launch_banner_2013

4 October 2013    |     Australia’s leading universities have generally gone backwards in the Times Higher Education rankings, which has been attributed to funding cuts announced by the previous government.  The University of Melbourne remains the highest ranked Australian university but fell six places from 28 to 34 while  Australian National University dropped 11 places from 37 to 48. …..[ READ MORE ]….

John DewarThe La Trobe model?

24 October 2013   |    La Trobe University vice-chancellor John Dewar has flagged a possible radical streamlining of the university’s structure in which the current five faculties would be collapsed into two super faculties.  One would house all the professional degrees, with the other combining the humanities, arts and sciences in a liberal arts faculty….[READ MORE]….

TEQSA commissioner “retired”Eric Mayne

17 October 2013    |    Education minister Christopher Pyne has not renewed the contract of lawyer Eric Mayne, one of the five commissioners who run the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency, which expired on 2 October 2. The next expiry on the commission, for Dorte Kristoffersen’s contract, is not until September next year. Chief commissioner Carol Nicoll has a contract that runs to October 2016.[READ MORE]…


Holmesglen & Healthscope partner for new private hospital

 25 September 2013   |   Holmesglen Institute and private health company Healthscope are proposing to build a new private hospital at Holmesglen’s Moorabbin campus in Melbourne’s south-eastern suburbs.The project will convert an existing  conference centre into a health and education precinct, providing clinical  training  for Holmesglen’s health science students, as well as health care for local residents….[READ MORE]

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