The Australian Higher Education Supplement 30 October 2013

High wiredThis is The Australian‘s own summary of lead items in its online edition. As this is a subscription service, you or your organisation will need to have a subscription to The Australian to view the full article.

Debt sale ‘would cost students more’
John Ross LABOR and the Greens insist such a move would be a disaster.
Professor tag ‘wasted on pollies’
Julie Hare FORMER politicians appointed to honorary roles in unis should not be given the title of professor, a former politician says.
Weeding out ‘dodgy’ players key
Bernard Lane TEQSA must be a brand protector for Australia, says Peter Coaldrake.
Travel pass offer fails to take off
John Ross MOST international students will not buy discounted public transport tickets offered under Victoria’s new education strategy.
Minister has ‘win’ in visa case row
Bernard Lane SCOTT Morrison has successfully sought a suppression order in a case involving bogus work references for a former international student.

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TEQSA a critical balancing act
Ian Young I HAVE watched with great interest the frenzy of criticism by the sector over TEQSA.
Pay-per-use will hold off cheap rivals
Jim Barber TO date, Australian universities have failed to explore the option of developing cheaper ways to provide their courses.
More Opinion
Terry named new head of Curtin
Grinston to be general counsel at UNSW
Glover gets the nod for Western Sydney
A philistine in places of learning
Future of TAFE in light of past mistakes
Nice to meet you, Mr President
What will Pyne do about jobs for BAs?
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