Group of Eight Newsletter August 2013

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Increasing Equity, Compacting Quantity

Demand-driven funding of university places is not primarily about equity.  Most of the explosive growth of the last few years has been in enrolments from outside identified equity groups.  If demand-driven funding were an equity measure, it would be a very inefficient one.  

Since uncapping places has wiped out unmet demand, Mike Teece argues that a more targeted approach to future growth is needed to further equity and maintain quality.  Compacts could be the mechanism.

Click here for more.

A Clarion Call for Science and Research

Is it possible for political leaders to put short-term politics aside and back a strategic national research policy to build a stronger, smarter nation? 

Such is the clarion call issued by the biggest alliance of research bodies in Australia.

Ian McMahon shares with us the principles that inspired this coming together.

Click here for more.

Image: Australian researchers call for all-party, non-partisan backing.

Back row (L-R) Catriona Jackson, CEO Science and Technology Australia; Greg Mullins, Research Australia; Professor Tony Peacock, Cooperative Research Centres Association; Professor Les Field, Group of Eight Australia; Dr Caroline Perkins, Executive Director, Regional Universities Network (RUN); Professor Robert Williamson, Australian Academy of Science; Belinda Robinson, Chief Executive, Universities Australia.  Front row (L-R): Professor Brendan Crabb, President, Association of Australian Medical Research Institutes; Robyn Porter, National Secretary, Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers Australia; Professor Brian Schmidt, Australian Nobel Laureate.

Canada U15 Delegation Meets with Go8

Australia and Canada have so much more in common than many may realise.  These similarities can serve as anchor for collaboration and partnership in many areas, not the least of which is in higher education. Alan Mackay gives us a cursory glance at things to come.

Click here for more.

Photo shows the Go8 Board of Directors with the delegates of the Canada U15 in a meeting recently held in Perth.

Go8 2014 European Fellowships – A Call for Applications

Global partnerships enable our universities to remain at the cutting edge of research and innovation.  With this, we now open the 2014 European Fellowships.

Information and application pack may be downloaded here.


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