Anyone seen a mojo…?

Mojo While arguing for a boost to base funding, until quite recently the university sector was generally acknowledging the initiatives of the Rudd/Gillard governments in higher education, to boost participation and improve equity, providing better indexation arrangements, in renewing infrastructure and funding indirect costs of research. Then came the “MYEFO” in October last year, which cut about $1 billion in funding and “slowed” another $500 million in funding. The sector was disappointed but mainly calm. Then in January, the third last minister for higher education announced that the government had rejected the findings of its own review of base funding. The sector was taken aback and vocal in its criticism. Last month’s “contribution” of $2.3 billion to fund the Gonski reforms generated collective apopolexy in the sector. Universities Australia’s campaign for better understanding of (and funding for) the sector is likely to mutate into a campaign against the cuts. On Wednesday 8 May incoming UA chair Sandra Harding will address the National Press Club on “the future for Australia’s universities in light of the funding measures announced by the Government. What has happened to the education revolution? What would be the “worst of times” for the tertiary sector? What would the “best of times” look like? How do we produce a smarter Australia?”. Should be an interesting speech. The National Tertiary Education Union has launched its own campaign against the cuts (“Uni cuts, dumb cuts“), which included this week’s “one thousand professors” letter. Meanwhile, respected business leader and longstanding chair of the EIF Advisory Board Phil Clarke has had a very public dummy spit over the seeming political manipulation of the Education Investment Fund.

It’s a long time since, and a long way from, the heady days of the Bradley Report and the higher education revolution.


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