Mergers key to reform of Victoria’s VET sector: Hall


Herald Sun    |    3 December  2012 Struggling TAFEs may be offered money to restructure operations under a continuing radical overhaul of Victoria's VET sector.  But the controversial shake-up also seems likely to force the merger of courses and possibly administration across many of the state's 18 TAFEs as the State government attempts to slash hundreds of millions from the Budget. With the final report of the TAFE Reform Panel go to Cabinet within the next fortnight, Victorian higher education minister Peter Hall has hinted the Baillieu Government is preparing a restructure package centred on collaboration.  Hall says The important thing about all of this reform process is … [Read more...]

Australian Financial Review Education Supplement 3 December 2012

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Academic value vs community impact Tertiary Education Minister Chris Evans is facing the challenge of reconciling two very different ways of gauging the worth of universities' research - one which measures impact in the academic community and one which measures impact in business and the community at large. Uni gets a head start on fund-raising Are the alumni of your institution tired of your repeated pleas for cash? Here's an idea to liven up those awkward fund-raising communications. It's to do with having your founder speak from the grave . . . and relies on the shock value of his severed head. Uni fees off the agenda Universities Australia appears to have backed away from the … [Read more...]


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