Wave of UK private subsidiaries tests the barriers of regulation

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Times HES   6 September 2012 A growing number of UK universities are setting up lower-fee private subsidiaries in response to increased competition in the sector, with regulators committing to monitor the emerging trend. The University of Hertfordshire’s non-profit private offshoot, aimed primarily at part-time students in employment and set up jointly with further education institution Oaklands College, will launch in 2013 under the proposed name St Albans University College.   Quintin McKellar, Hertfordshire's vice-chancellor, said the ultimate aim is for the college to gain its own degree-awarding powers to demonstrate to students that it offered "a slightly different product" … [Read more...]

RUN conference outcomes

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9 September 2012 The Regional Universities Network’s second annual Regional Tertiary Education Conference (30-31 August)  agreed on a number of initiatives to improve the delivery of higher education in regional Australia. These include an “accord” on partnerships and collaboration between RUN members that may eventually include double-badged degrees and joint research student supervision, the sharing of back office systems, and wider collaboration on research, appointments and student transfers. They are also proposing a partnership scheme between universities and regional high schools targeting regional areas where final-year retention rates are 20%lower than in capital … [Read more...]

Terrors of the Tweetgeist

The Australian

The Australian   7 September 2012 A week or so ago Monash University university administrator Tanya Heti was rude about personality Charlotte Dawson, on Twitter. It was a storm in a tweet cup, which brewed bigger when Monash University stuck its bib in. Dawson googled her critic and finding she worked at Monash alerted the university.  So on 29 August Monash, stood Heti down on full pay and ordered an investigation. The Australian enquired after the matter and was told that an external inquiry concluded, ….the staff member did not engage in misconduct.  Upon investigation a number of the publicly reported claims through the media of the staff member’s conduct were … [Read more...]

WA TAFEs to specialise


The Australian   9 September  2012 Western Australia could develop specialised TAFEs to help drive its specialised economy, with Premier Colin Barnett, saying he wants WA TAFEs to become “centres of excellence” within broad educational providers. “The government’s keen to see that individual institutes develop specialties for which they are recognised nationally and hopefully internationally.  There will be a range of training programs that will be in pretty well every TAFE. But some need to … have their own specialty (alongside) a broad range of courses. Barnett said the move would complement WA’s revamping of its TAFEs, which have been renamed as institutes and … [Read more...]

Growing chorus of criticism of Qld TAFE report


The Australian    9 September 2012 The recommendation of the Queensland Skills and Training Taskforce for a “rationalised structure” for Queensland’s TAFE network, which would see institutes merged and 82 campuses reduced to just 44, would be a double-blow to Queensland TAFEs if they aren't given more autonomy.   According to Martin Riordan, CEO of TAFE Directors Australia (TDA) closing 38 regional campuses could also rob many communities of what was often “the largest institution in town”. Riordan said that if the government decided to close campuses, it would have to act on the autonomy recommendation first. Queensland TAFEs are essentially asset-rich and income-poor … [Read more...]


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