Campus Review Home To Infinity and Beyond: Where will the Square Kilometre Array take us?. Educators say this massive, $2 billion Square Kilometre Array (SKA) – to be shared with South Africa and New Zealand– will boost research here and, hopefully, increase the number of students studying science. The SKA will be the world’s largest and most sensitive radio telescope and is a global science and engineering project, which may even be capable of detecting extra-terrestrial life in the far corners of the universe, if it exists. Macquarie Stonewalls on Staff Review The National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) is planning to take Macquarie University to the Administrative … [Read more...]
The Scan 31 May 2012

Control and click headlines and highlights to link to articles Links may not work unless you or your organisation is a paid subscriber to the originating media outlet. Check with your communications people about subscriptions. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ $70k to walk a $17 million tightrope Victorian TAFEs will be given $70,000 each to help plot the way forward, in the wake of this month’s funding cuts, which the TAFEs estimate will cost them about $300m a year - around $17 million a year each. The grants to the state’s 18 institutes are designed to help them develop “transition plans”. At a … [Read more...]
The Scan 24 May 2012

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The Scan 26 April 2012

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The Scan 19 April 2012

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The Scan – 9 February 2012
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The Scan – 16 February 2012

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2 February 2012 – Archive
Control and click headlines and highlights to link to articles, Links may not work unless you or your organisation is a paid subscriber to the originating media outlet. Check with your communications people about subscriptions. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Kwong's Gong Emeritus Professor Kwong Lee Dow has been made an Officer of the Order of Australia for his distinguished service to education in Australia as an administrator, scholar and contributor to major curriculum reforms, through executive roles with education advisory bodies, and to the community. Also honoured were: Professor … [Read more...]