New centre to boost Asia links


UNSW  News Room    |   8 July 2013 The Commonwealth government has announced $36 million in funding over 10 years for a $60 million National Centre for Asia Capability, which will be administered by the Australian School of Business at UNSW and by the University of Melbourne, in a collaboration between business, government, philanthropy and the tertiary sector. Additional funding will come from the corporate and philanthropic communities, including $1 million already pledged by The Myer Foundation, as well as income from services delivered. The Centre will combine the expertise of government, business and universities to build an Asia capable workforce through training … [Read more...]

TDA Newsletter 8 April 2013

Business leaders among sacked TAFE chairs Despite the Victorian government’s claims that the recent removal of several of the state’s TAFE chairs was due to their inability to lead “a large and complex government business”, successful business owners and entrepreneurs are among those who have been removed from their positions. Among them is Chisholm Chair, David Willersdorf, and Holmesglen Chair, Jonathan Forster, both of whom run successful businesses with an annual turnover of approximately $400 million each. Prominent VET consultant and former Chisholm chair, Virginia Simmons, is highly critical of the sackings. “The Napthine Government's unceremonious sacking of more than … [Read more...]

TDA Newsletter 2 April 2013

Victorian TAFE chairs removed The Victorian government has removed at least half of the state’s TAFE board chairs. Chairs were removed from Box Hill, Holmesglen, South West, Chisholm, SuniTAFE, GippsTAFE and North Melbourne Institute of TAFE. Last year, the Victorian government passed legislation awarding the minister the right to overrule TAFE board members to remove and appoint the chair. A spokesman for Victorian Minister for Higher Education and Skills, the Hon Peter Hall, said the move was to give TAFE’s a more commercial focus. The new appointments will come in to effect at the end of April. Click here to read the full article in The Age. Chief Executive of TAFE … [Read more...]

Towards a smarter country in the Asian century

The Australian    |    30 March 2013 In his regular Weekend Australian column newly appointed tertiary education and skills minister Craig Emerson sets down some markers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Julia Gillard's decision to add higher education, training, science and research to my ministerial responsibilities of trade, competitiveness and assisting on Asian Century policy enables the forging of a single key that opens two doors: one to a stronger economy, the other to a fairer society. As explained in the white paper on Australia in the Asian Century, our country's future economic success will be determined by our ability to … [Read more...]

The Australian Higher Education Supplement 27 March 2013

This is The Australian‘s own summary of lead items in its online edition. As this is a subscription service, you or your organisation will need to have a subscription to The Australian to view the full article. Red tape hinders Asia exchange plan Bernard Lane THE Coalition's plan to send thousands of young Australians to universities in Asia may face "diabolical" problems of accreditation. Emerson endorses expanded uni access STEPHEN MATCHETT NEW education portfolio minister Craig Emerson has endorsed Labor's massive expansion of university education. Students discount subsidised tickets Julie Hare and John Ross … [Read more...]

AFR Education supplement – 10 December 2012


Measures will add an edge to quality of university research Regular and comprehensive audits of university research are now a fixture following the announcement last week by Tertiary Education Minister Chris Evans that there would be a third round of the Excellence in Research in Australia (ERA) process.  Learning goals must equal Asia's best The Prime Minister's Asian Century White Paper aims for our school system to be in the world's top five by 2025, but expectations in our curriculum do not support this goal.  To reach the top, we should follow the example set by the United Kingdom and deliberately benchmark what our kids learn against the world’s best. Top marks for … [Read more...]

China becomes number one knowledge partner


Universities Australia    |    26 November 2012 China is now Australia’s  number one knowledge partner, with data from Universities Australia (UA) showing that our 39 universities have more formal agreements with universities and similar institutions in China than any other country. The UA report shows a 72% increase in the number of university agreements with China since 2003, rising from 514 to 885 and overtaking the USA as our leading "knowledge partner" for the first time. Overall, the survey found that our universities continue to strongly pursue partnerships around the globe, with a 28% jump in formal agreements since 2009, from 5561 to 7123 (with over 100 … [Read more...]

TDA Newsletter


TDA Newsroom    |    12 November 2012 Tertiary leaders counsel Victorian Government against amendments to TAFE and university governance The Australian Financial Review has reported on high-level concerns regarding legislation proposed by the Baillieu Government, scheduled to be debated in Victoria’s lower house this week. Executive Director of the Victorian TAFE Association (VTA), David Williams, and National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) President, Jeannie Rae, expressed their concern regarding the practical effects of the proposed Bill on the autonomy of university and TAFE governing councils. The AFR reported today that Chairs of university councils are divided on the … [Read more...]

The Scan Main Edition | 2 November 2012 | Issue no. 97

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fears over research implications of trade law A controversial Defence Trade Controls Bill has now passed the Senate, following the rejection by the House of Representatives of an earlier Senate amendment (“amendment nine”), that would have exempted fundamental research from the restrictive provisions of the legislation. University of Sydney deputy vice-chancellor Jill Trewhella has characterised the legislation as an “attack on our research enterprise”, saying it is “extraordinary” for these kinds of constraints to be put on “our communication for fundamental … [Read more...]

Lukewarm reception for Asia white paper

Australia in the Asian Century

2 November 2012 The Australia in the Asian Century White Paper has received a relatively lukewarm reception from the university sector, being described by one commentator as having "vaulting ambitions equally matched by a limited set of policy ideas for institutional reform".  The ATN welcomed the paper and its heavy focus on the role of universities in delivering greater strength to our ties in the  region, but   said without prioritisation and funding commitments the objectives simply could not be implemented – no matter how worthy they might be. The sector acknowledged that the government's $37 million AsiaBound program will go a long way toward meeting the objective of … [Read more...]


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