ACPET National Monday Update 24 June 2013


In Focus

They cannot be serious

A longstanding ACPET member pointed out to me recently that I was becoming increasingly feisty in my NMU articles. And he’s right, I am. Maybe I’m not quite at John McEnroe’s legendary levels of anger (“YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS”) but I’m not far away.


Because of the impact that DIAC’s continuing incompetence and bloody mindedness (backed by Ministers) is having on the international education sector. As ACPET members know through their own experiences, international education is in deep decline. The only green shoots are in applications to the universities and their SVP partners. While some members are doing well as they restructure their organisations and introduce innovations, most are struggling to keep afloat through no fault of their own.

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Higher Education regulation under the spotlight 

The focus on what is the appropriate level of regulation of the higher education sector has been under the spotlight in recent times.  The announcement of the review of Higher Education Regulation to be conducted by Professor Kwong Lee Dow and Professor Valerie Braithwaite has been welcomed by all p… Read more

Asia Pacific International Education Forum

Asia Pacific International Education Forum 2013 -28 August 2013 – Registrations are now open. ACPET is pleased to announce that this year we will be hosting the Asia Pacific International Education Forum (APEIF) on the day immediately preceding the ACPET National Conference.   The theme of th… Read more


Announcing the ACPET Catalogue

In 2014, ACPET will be introducing an online catalogue to promote members to stakeholders and potential clients both nationally and internationally . Members are now encouraged to take part in the Catalogue, to showcase the quality of training at your institution and the excellence of ACPET members… Read more

Nominations close for the 2013 National Disability Awards

Nominations for the 2013 National Disability Awards close this Friday, 28 June. The Awards are held each year as part of the International Day of People with Disability celebrations and aim to honour and recognise the outstanding achievements of individuals, teams and organisations that have improve… Read more

New staff? Prepare them with ACPET’s Introduction Webinars in July

ACPET is pleased to announce the extension of its successful Introduction to VET webinar in 2013 to include: an Introduction to International Education an Introduction to Higher Education, and an Introduction to Blended Learning. These webinars have been designed around the more common basic… Read more

National PD webinar: Copyright in E-Learning – what you need to know

With such easy access these days to a wealth of online material, it’s difficult to determine whether you’re breaching copyright laws when you use them and what you can legally use without paying. This webinar will help you to determine whether a digital resource is indeed free and how t… Read more

ACPET Health Check 

ACPET health check services provide a high- quality, low cost opportunity for ACPET members to recieve an inderpendent review of their evidence of compliance against the national standards. Health Checks support members which are preparing for audit. This includes re-registration, extension to scop… Read more

New webinar session in July: RTO Financial Management – Making it Easy

Do you need an accurate costing system to secure the long term viability of your training organisations? The complexity of training services and in particular funding arrangements, makes costing one of the biggest mysteries in vocational education and training (VET). This webinar will showcase a si… Read more

More updates in your state

  • China – 3 articles
  • Australian Capital Territory – 3 articles
  • New South Wales – 4 articles
  • Northern Territory – 4 articles
  • South Australia – 7 articles
  • Tasmania – 3 articles
  • Western Australia – 3 articles
  • Queensland – 8 articles
  • Victoria – 9 articles
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