IRU poised for the Asian century

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IRU Newsroom    |    29 October 2012 In this Asian Century, IRU universities will continue to play a leading role in engagement with the region,  says Professor Ian O'Connor, Chair, Innovative Research Universities (IRU).   For several decades Australian universities, including IRU network members, have built lasting relationships with universities, industry, Government and community partners throughout the Asian region, including campuses in Singapore. These partnerships have contributed to capacity building in the region and the rapid development of Asian nations. The Government's Australia in the Asian Century white paper confirms the value of these efforts, providing impetus … [Read more...]

Curtin deal sets standard

The Australian    |    29 October 2012 Curtin's staff agreement sets the standard for universities across the country, writes Stephen Matchett.  While NTEU officials at state and national levels say the creation of teaching only positions opens a career path for casuals which is not there now, the teaching fellow strategy constitutes a concession on the union’s standard position.  Under existing university agreements permanent academic staff generally spend 40 per cent each of their working week on teaching and research with the balance allocated to administration. However, the union expects this to change.  According to NTEU official Kevin Rouse: Teaching only … [Read more...]

Curtin 17% wage deal

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NTEU  Newsroom    |    26 October 2012 Staff at Curtin University in Perth have won an in-principle agreement to provide 17% wage increase over 4 years.  The in-principle agreement, which has been endorsed by the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) Executive and members, is the first to be negotiated in any of Australia’s 37 public universities in the current round. Key improvements in the deal include: Reasonable salary increases Firm workload caps for academic staff Equal treatment for general and academic staff in serious misconduct and unsatisfactory work performance issues The creation of more secure work for casual staff with the introduction of Scholarly … [Read more...]

Vic government takes more control over TAFE boards


The Australian    |    29 October 2012 Victoria's Baillieu government is set to take more control over TAFE boards proposing legislation to appoint all TAFE board members, not just a majority as currently.  TAFE chief executives will also be excluded from being on the board. The then opposition argued against similar changes proposed by the Brumby government in 2010 and joined with the Greens to block them.  Now skills minister Peter Hall argued then that Labor's attempt to appoint all TAFE board members was an "unnecessary grab for power."  He now says: It takes very specific skills to oversee a large public educational institution and selecting people with the right skills … [Read more...]


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