NTEU edXpress October 2012

Ed Express

The National Tertiary Education Union has launched edXpress, a monthly e-bulletin with news and views on its take what’s happening on campuses around the country. More cuts @ UNE Over 100 general staff at the University of New England (UNE) are slated to lose their jobs through a series of restructures. Thirty-six jobs have already got the chop in human resources, the printery and financial services with more tipped to go in marketing and public affairs and facilities management, BranchPresident Tim Battin reports.  Read more Fairer deal over cuts at UTAS NTEU has won a better deal over staff cuts to University of Tasmania’s (UTAS) 2600-strong workforce since notifying … [Read more...]

ACPET National Update – 8 October 2012

  NT International College of Advanced Education and South Korean University sign landmark study and work placement agreement 8 Oct ACPET NT member, International College of Advanced Education (ICAE), has just signed a landmark agreement with Ansan University in South Korea, in which Ansan graduate students will be based in Darwin for training and job placement. The Darwin-based ICAE, International Provider of the Year finalist... Read more ACPET PD Framework: October - November Workshops 8 Oct The ACPET Professional Development Framework links to the national standards for the vocational education and training (VET), higher education and international … [Read more...]

Campus Review – 8 October 2012


This post has been removed at the request of Campus Review … [Read more...]

TDA Newsletter 8 October 2012


  Government funding for private providers tripled, at TAFE’s expense State governments have almost tripled their funding to the private training sector since 2007, rendering TAFEs the minority providers.  According to a new study by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), government funding of TAFEs jumped from $140 million in 2007, to $1.1 billion last year.  The Victorian government has almost quadrupled its funding to non-TAFE providers.The study did not take in to the account this year’s funding cuts to TAFE in Victoria, NSW and Queensland. VET leaders address workforce development conference The Australian Workforce and Productivity Agency … [Read more...]

Australian business schools rate highly

Australian Financial Review    |    8 October 2012 Australian business schools dominate The Economist magazine’s 2012 MBA rankings in the Asia and Australasia region.  The University of Queensland Business School was ranked first in the region  – and 27th  out of 118 globally – while the Melbourne Business School was ranked second in the region. Curtin Graduate School of Business came fourth and Macquarie Graduate School of Management was ranked sixth.  Top in the world was the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business, which ranked first for the second time in three years.  All schools which ranked above UQ Business School were based in the United States or … [Read more...]

No, you’re not entitled to your opinion

PJK redfern

The Conversation    |    5 October 2012 Every year, I try to do at least two things with my students at least once. First, I make a point of addressing them as “philosophers” – a bit cheesy, but hopefully it encourages active learning. Secondly, I say something like this: “I’m sure you’ve heard the expression ‘everyone is entitled to their opinion.’ Perhaps you’ve even said it yourself, maybe to head off an argument or bring one to a close. Well, as soon as you walk into this room, it’s no longer true. You are not entitled to your opinion. You are only entitled to what you can argue for.” A bit harsh? Perhaps, but philosophy teachers owe it to our … [Read more...]

ASQA axes two Victorian RTOs


Australian Financial Review    |    8 October 2012 The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has rejected applications from operators of the Ashmark Institute and the Victorian Institute of Culinary Hospitality to renew their registrations as training providers, saying they are “critically non-compliant” with standards. ASQA said that the Victorian Institute of Culinary Hospitality was operated by G Plus G Global Trading Pty Ltd and had about 400 students, almost all international. It said the the Ashmark Institute was operated by the Ashmark Group Pty Ltd with more than 900 students of whom the majority were international. Indian media has reported that 400-plus … [Read more...]

Australian Financial Review Education Supplement 8 October 2012

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As the Australian Financial Review is a subscription service, links will not work unless you or your organisation is a paid subscriber. _______________________________________________________________________________ Quality watchdog axes two training providers The Australian Skills Quality Authority has refused to reregister two Victorian training providers catering mainly to international students, saying they are "critically non-compliant" with standards.  ASQA said it rejected applications from operators of The Ashmark Institute and the Victorian Institute of Culinary Hospitality to renew as training providers.  Education briefs Australian business schools dominate The … [Read more...]

Deakin students expelled over plagiarism

The Age    |    5 October 2012         The Australian    |    6 October Deakin University has suspended nine international student  among a large group investigated for submitting work they had not completed themselves. Chris Kelly, deputy dean of business and law, said about 100 students had been investigated over “inconsistencies and irregularities” in a group assignment late last year. The university lodged formal allegations of academic misconduct against 30 of the students, and expelled nine of them following hearings.   None appealed the penalties. The university declined to say what had happened to the other 21 students, citing privacy … [Read more...]


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