Queensland Skills and Training Taskforce – interim report


6 September 2012 The Queensland Skills and Training Taskforce, established in June to advise the government on reform of the VET sector, has published an interim report dealing specifically with the Queensland TAFE sector.  In contrast to the Victorian model, the Taskforce recommends a measured and orderly transition to more market oriented VET delivery and funding.  It's not without controversy:  it recommends a radical overhaul of industrial arrangements, which draw the ire of unions, and the closure of 44 of the state's 82 TAFE campuses, which will create some community anxiety and has already been criticised by the Commonwealth minister. The report says the TAFE sector is … [Read more...]

Taxation without education is “tyranny”

Eureka flag

NTEU Newsroom    7 September 2012 TAFE staff, students and supporters gave Premier Ted Baillieu and his community cabinet the promised “warm welcome” when the Legislative Assembly sat in Ballarat and the Legislative Council in Bendigo on 6 September. However, neither the Premier nor other government MPs ventured anywhere near either of the rallies which attracted 400 in Ballarat and 200 in Bendigo against the government cuts which rip out $20 million, 100 full-time jobs and 43 courses from the University of Ballarat TAFE and $9 million, 100 full-time jobs and 39 courses from Bendigo TAFE. Thousands of students will lose out. The protests brought together staff, students, … [Read more...]


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